Gabriela Garza-Padilla is an artist that speaks not only with the colors and lines in her works, but with her soul. Her works are full of spirituality, full of the power that is beyond the conscious world that is perceived with our ordinary senses. In twenty years of career she has exhibited her works in Mexico, Canada, Central America, Europe, Japan and the USA, and has been deemed at The Forefront in Neo-Surrealism in Latin America.
Amira Saadat,
owner of Collection Privee Gallery,
Miami Beach
Gabriela Garza-Padilla is a mexican artist that has inherited the magic of the surreal vision that once permeated this land with the presence of Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington and Remedios Varo. (...) She is the continuity and renovation of the surreal, and the magic of Mexico. She is the one that embraces this magic and shows it to the world.
Jose Roquero de Teresa,
Art Critic and President of,
Mexico City May 2008
“What one of a kind imagination that exists inside this artist’s mind! The interpretation of her work is completely full of quality, symbolism, and intense passion in the realm of the visual arts.”
Jose Roquero y de Teresa
Membre de l’Association Internacionale
des Critiques D’Art
Paris, France 2006
“Femininity shaping in pure, vibrate colors, with a huge domain of the blues; enigma, mystery, eyes; fishes, salamanders, felines; harlequins, magicians and, over all, the woman: one and the same artist who is another and all women and sometimes angel, high priestess, demon, constant elements of Garza Padilla’s work that she uses to capture the dreams and subconscious universe”
Martha Ramos, Milenio Newspaper
Monterrey, 2001
“Dream interpretations where strange and distant places appear, beautiful beings full of symbols, apparitions where it is possible to read the soul thorough the eyes.
Like a gypsy or a sorcerer, or rather an alchemist…is Gabriela Garza Padilla (…)The Tarot Symbology appeared as a clarifying reference(…) is the secret language in which Gabriela’s work move on, never leaving any element to chance.
With a magic realism caring in every detail, the artist sail in the line that divides the real world from the dreaming one (…) Gabriela knows and masters the human gestures (…) Salvador Dalí, Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington…and the Renaissence Masters are Gabriela’s artistic influences, who express an enormous sensibility in her work”.
Francisco Armenta, Mural Newspaper
Guadalajara, Jal. 2000
“A woman with a great inner strength, who shows her life philosophy through the images she paints in the canvas, this way is Gabriela Garza Padilla. The artist, who possess an innate talent to paint human figures in oil with an exquisite shocking precision, arrives this millennium surrounded with triumphs along her ten years of painting, and willing to continue in this art guided by her dreams.”
Lilián de la Rosa, El Norte Newspaper,
Monterrey, 2000.
“Extraordinary. She have had acquired the technique domain and she knows how to express in the correct way. Her work is very original and is quite difficult to classify…maybe into the “Magic Realism”.
Art Critic,
Maestro Giancarlo von Nacher Malvaioli.
Monterrey, 2000.
“Gabriela Garza Padilla is one of our leading artists who deserves recognitions of every kind. Her work is extraordinary”
Roberto Chapa Zárate,
Glass artist
Monterrey, 2000.
“Her work, full of colouring and magic is wonderful”
Patricia Caswell
President Art Council,
Sarasota, Florida, USA,
ExPresident Art Council, New York City.
Florida, USA, 1998.
“Gabriela’s work is a rare surrealism, fresh…an original surrealism”
Marcia Corbino Art Critic,
Florida, USA, 1998.
“Dream, fantasy, her past experiences, events and people who surround her are the sources that nurture Gabriela’s iconography”
Ricardo Milla
El Norte Newspaper
Monterrey, 1998.
“Sealed with magic surrealism, Gabriela is going to exhibit her work where she puts her endless imagination.”
Bertha Wario
El Norte Newspaper
Monterrey, 1998.
“Her work tends to border that exquisite line between vigil and dream. She comes back from that border world and captures in the canvas those fragile instants of her mysterious and magical state; under a real appearance (real and fantastic) she reinvent that hallucinating paranormal phenomena into a “new reality” idealized –and logical- into her logic.
World inhabited most of the time with self-portraits that contemplates us with an astonished expression from magically “real” dimensions.
An artist that seems express herself not only with her hands, but with her eyes and mind. In this order, only knowing her we’ll be able to decode.”
Eduardo Rodríguez Canales
Crítico de Arte
Monterrey, 1997.
“Her work is not trivial as another artist’s works that shares the Magic Realism with Gabriela. Her work have another forces. Her self-portraits neither are they as the psychological ego enhancers of others artists, in her work is a feeling of a more heavy and profound mystic.”
Breves Culturales
Periódico El Norte,
Monterrey, 1996
“Absolutelly is about a woman who knows what she wants and above all, loves what she is doing, leaving in every painting “a lot” of her essence. Her work have a great emotional charge, that makes every painting “speak” as she says. |